6-Week Clean Eating & Lifestyle Detox Plus
6-Week Clean Eating & Lifestyle Detox Plus Coaching Program + Bonus + Supplement
6-week clean eating and lifestyle detox program is a weight-loss coaching program that uses behavioral psychology combined with nutrition and exercise science to help you lose the weight and get healthy. The coach will help you to reset, recharge, and reevaluate and prioritize your choices regarding your health. Your coach will help you understand how to make good choices, eat real food and to lose weight.
View full sales page here: www.activehealthywell.com/cfl
Here's what you get:
(1) 4-coaching calls with a certified wellness coach
(2) 6-Week Clean Eating Guide, 60-pages to include: Weekly Meal Plan, Recipe Book; Food Swap List; Food Journal, Weekly Grocery Lists, Weekly Educational Handout
- Module 1: 10-Minute Kitchen Clean Out (@your home in Central Florida area)
- Module 2: Pick Your Real Food Favorites
- Module 3: Curb The Carb Cravings
- Module 4: Banish The Portion Distortion
(3) Life Style Detox Guide, 27-pages including: Detoxing your mind, Detoxing your space, Detoxing your relationships, Detoxing your body, Detoxing your closet, Detoxing your routines, Detoxing your digital life
(4) Wildtree Tasting or Freezer Prep (Jax/St.Aug/Daytona/Palm Coast/Orlando)
(5) 1yr access to online personal training site including exercise videos
(6) Access to private Facebook group for support and accountability.
*Bonus-1: (1) Healthy Summer Recipes, 64-pages (2) Sleep Well Guide, 41-pages (3) Boost Your Metabolism Guide, 58-pages
*Bonus-2: Limited time, offer, and quantities available to first 50 customers. Choose: (1) Weight-loss Digestive Enzymes OR (2) Weight-loss Green Tea
Action to take after purchase
After purchase return to www.activehealthywell.com/cfl-purchase to select your Wildtree option and bonus-2 weight-loss supplement.
**Total value $700